06 March 2011

To belong to a relationship

When we replace the sale of goods with the leasing of services we move from waste to re-cycling. The leasing of service emphasizes the relationship between the transacting parties rather than the relationship between the transacting parties and the material good at issue. 
To produce the material good involves, in some way, the plundering of raw materials from the planet and then the obsolescing of the product in the act of the sale. By privileging the services of the goods over the sale of the goods we are favoring natural capital and human capital over physical capital and financial capital. It is easier to achieve durability by activating the relationship with a person rather than with a thing, easier with someone who has a measure of autonomy of their own rather than in the sort of complete ownership people have with objects. 
The durability is lodged in the liveliness of the parties to the relationship. Ownership that is not regularly revived tends to atrophy and decay. The thing about the creator is that he will imbue life into his creature in a way subsequent owners will not imbue because they cannot, they don't have the creative equipment to accomplish such revivification. 
It is better for you to belong to a relationship than to have some inert object belong to you. That is what insurance really looks like. 
In the act of consumption the food becomes transformed into something that sustains life. Digestion is a primitive form of turning a commodity into something meaningful. 

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