31 October 2010

When imperialism replaced empire

In the late 19th century the government's ability to wield power among the colonies coupled with the advance in the government's ability to organize financial aggregation and financial transaction led to the collaboration of the government with native financiers, to the exclusion of the great Jewish banking houses. When the government got into the imperialism business the local bourgeoisie replaced the Jews as the managers and thus the holders of the nation’s superfluous wealth. 
The Jews had traditionally been the enablers of institutions that did not correspond to the values of civil society. As such, the host cultures were able to use the Jews to get around the values of their civil society while still respecting the special character of their civil society’s values. The host culture could seem, for all intents and purposes, to leave intact their own, native political integrity while enjoying the benefits of a more sophisticated political/economic ideology. 
When the host societies began to incorporate the values of a political philosophy that no longer even pretended to the values of civil society, when imperialism replaced empire so that the values of the colonies' civil society were swept away rather than being honored, the government put itself into a position where it could perpetrate, along with the co-operation of some native bourgeoisie, what had, in the past, been reserved only for the 'untouchable' Jews to do, albeit it allowed the Jews to achieve in the process great wealth and even aristocratic station. 
Imperialism substituted spiritual self-destruction for what, in the past, had been merely hypocrisy.

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