30 January 2011

The roaring mediocrity of rabbinic leadership

Nazi propaganda promoted the concept of Volksgemeinschaft, the equality of all Germans not in rights but in nature, and the superiority of all Germans over all the other peoples. 
Volksgemeinschaft has an eerie resemblance to how the Jewish people in Israel see themselves as defined by their membership in their homeland. Here is a failure of imagination on the part of those in authority who seem incapable of envisioning a national purpose that goes beyond the simple expressions of camaraderie. Volksgemeinschaft is national identity as school yard club. 
The Jewish people's spiritual leaders are not only silly and superficial in their application of their ancient teachings, they are oblivious to the crucial matters facing the people in their homeland and they systematically misdirect the people away from dealing with the pressing challenges the establishment of a homeland is presenting to the people. 
If the Jewish people would become great, they will have to unbuckle themselves from the roaring mediocrity of their rabbinic leadership. 

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