23 December 2010

Authority is to duty as price is to choice

Choice maximizes the welfare you get from consuming and from hoarding; authority speaks to duty and addresses the definition of and the fulfillment of duty’s possibilities. 
Authority is to duty as price is to choice. It informs the decision-making process. Authority is the meta-data to the fulfillment of duties as price is the meta-data to the exercise of choices. The meta-data of authority informs the social manifestation of the fulfillment of duties as the meta-data of prices informs the social manifestation of the exercise of choices. 
A price defines the terms whereby property rights would be relinquished. Authority defines the terms that delimit one's property rights in the first place. That is how authority deals with apportionment while choices deal with allocations. The delimitation of property rights defines the arena of duties to dispose of and to dispense with the excess of what one deserves of what was gifted to one. 
The voluntary side of the duty comes from the willingness to receive the gift in the first place, which receipt set in train the duty to propel its excess. One does not have a duty to reciprocate a gift so much as to pass along the excess in the gift beyond what one deserved. 

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