25 December 2010

Being, having, doing, interacting

Manfred Max-Neef offers axiological and existential categories (being, having, doing, interacting) of need:
1.       Subsistence – physical and mental health, equilibrium, sense of humor, adaptability; food, shelter, work; feed, procreate, rest, work; living environment, social setting.
2.      Protection – care, adaptability, autonomy, equilibrium, solidarity; insurance systems, savings, social security, health systems, rights, family, work; cooperate, prevent, plan take care of, cure, help; living space, social environment, dwelling.
3.      Affection – self-esteem, solidarity, respect, tolerance, generosity, receptiveness, passion, determination, sensuality, sense of humor; friendships, family, partnerships with nature, make love, caress, express emotions, share, take care of, cultivate, appreciate; privacy, intimacy, home, space of togetherness.
4.      Understanding – critical conscience, receptiveness, curiosity, astonishment, discipline, intuition, rationality; literature, teachers, method, educational and communications policies; investigate, study, experiment, educate, analyze, meditate; settings of formative interaction, schools, universities, academies, groups, communities, family.
5.       Participation – adaptability, receptiveness, solidarity, willingness, determination, dedication, respect, passion, sense of humor; rights, responsibilities, duties, privileges, work; become affiliated, cooperate, propose, share, dissent, obey, interact, agree on, express opinions; setting of participative interaction, parties, associations, churches, commnties, neighborhoods, family.
6.      Idleness – curiosity, receptiveness, imagination, recklessness, sense of humor, tranquility, sensuality; games, spectacles, clubs, parties, peace of mind; daydream, brood, dream, recall old times, give way to fantasies, remember, relax, have fun, play; privacy, intimacy, space of closeness, free time, surroundings, landscapes.
7.       Creation – passion, determination, intuition, imagination, boldness, rationality, autonomy, inventiveness, curiosity; abilities, skills, method, work; work, invent, build, design, interpret; productive and feedback settings, workshops, cultural groups, audiences, spaces for expressions, temproal freedom.
8.      Identity – sense of belonging, consistency, differentiation, self-esteem, assertiveness; symbols, language, religion, habits, customs, reference groups, sexuality, values, norms, historical, memory, work; commit oneself, integrate oneself, decide on, get to know oneself, recognize oneself, actualize oneself, grow; social rhythms, everyday settings, settings which one belongs, maturation stages.
9.      Freedom – autonomy, self-esteem, determination, passion, assertiveness, open-mindedness, boldness, rebelliousness, tolerance; equal rights; dissent, choose, be different, run risks, develop awareness, commit oneself, disobey; ability to come into contact with different people at different times in different places. 

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