09 January 2011

The difference between interests and claims

The comparison of inter-temporal states of welfare in a society brings up the difference between interests and claims. 
If the present generation is considering the interests of future generations, then it measures the future benefits of that future value, discounted to the present. If the present generation is considering the claims of future generations, then it sees itself as stewards of that future value and does not discount it at all relative to present consumption. 
Inter-temporal allocation decisions are one of the many instances in the moral philosophical realm where what we as a society need to do is to emphasize the urge to pass along the creative spark that lives inside each of us. That urge is the essence of stewardship and trusteeship. 
Scripture tells us to be fruitful and become abundant. The 'fruitful' part has to do with having children but the 'become abundant' part has to do with building covenantal institutions that facilitate not only the working of the natural order but also the keeping of the natural order, not only the 'avdo' but the 'shamro'

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