07 January 2011

There's still time

The in-gathering of the exiles is an act of self-administered ethnic cleansing. 
The Jewish people are destined to perform a population transfer of massive proportions. Such a population transfer does not differ substantially in kind from the recognition on the part of world leaders that nations could not be trusted to take care of other nationalities, and so the only thing to do was to transfer populations according to a general sorting out of nations with their own states. 
The irony is that the Jewish people are gathering in their exiles ostensibly to show the world an alternative system: a nation that can build a state with a self-imposed sense of tolerance for the permanent stranger. The Jewish people are the only people on earth who might be able to devise a political order based on the presumption of abundance and security rather than an order that tries to build societies based on scarcity and threat. 
The only problem right now is that the Jewish people don't know the meaning of their own heritage. There's still time, though. The nation is young. 

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