02 October 2011

Strangers to each other

  • Corporate relationships limit liability and insulate the owners from accountability while insulating the managers from decision-making. 
  • Corporate relationships thus force both sides of the relationship, the owners and the managers, into short-term self-interestedness. 
  • Corporate relationships define a disembodied claim on property that is exactly to opposite of the covenantal relationship the brit Sinai defines. 
By insulating the owners from accountability and the managers from decision-making the corporate relationship makes no-one the surrogate for the biblical higher power Who demands full accountability and complete identity in decision-making. 
Corporate decision-making is the style of decision-making we reserve for strangers. 
In an economy with corporate relationships, everyone is a stranger and there are no internal, national relationships operating which are defined by loyalty, caring and contentment. 
The function of the national monarch is to manage those national aspects that relate to foreign powers where the appropirate mode of relationship would ordinarily be as to a stranger. The monarch introduces the personal touch into an arena that otherwise would be utterly impersonal. 
The free market fundamentalists tell us to engage in decision-making only in its rational dimension. Purely rational decision-making has no loyalty, no caring and no contentment as factors in the decisions; it has no gift exchange. 
All strictly rational decision-makers are strangers to each other. They have a way of relating to each other but it is as strangers, where xenia and not philia applies. 

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